VBA for Finance is Live! +New content on Intro to VBA

I'm excited to share with you my first advanced topic (See VBA for Finance page) which is about a using a date function that I wrote to be able to compare financial statements of different countries and systems with different date formats by converting them all to a single date format.  The function is probably not perfect since I wrote it a little over a year ago and judged it on the criteria of working properly and running fast, so if you see something to suggest please feel free!!

On the Intro to VBA page I've also done a make over to the loops video, now covering 4 loop examples a little more thoroughly and I've added a video about nested statements and how to keep your code organized. 


Website Launch!!

I'm excited to bring you this web resource! It's been long coming, and is still in many ways a work in progress.  I both enjoy programming and teaching so I hope that you'll benefit from this and learn lots of valuable lessons along the way. 


*******A little background on why I made this*******

I self taught myself visual  basic about 5 years ago, and it was a DISASTER! A comical disaster I might say. I kept thinking to myself over the years of all the things I wish I had learned and in which order. Over time it led to me launching the Macro Club at the company where I worked, but even then I felt like I could do more and reach a bigger audience. 

As a result I've created this learning space for anyone who's interested. At the moment I have beginner content available that will grow each week. Eventually I'll share some of my cooler tips on the VBA for Finance video list, and who knows maybe some of you will share some ideas with me too!

I hope you use my website to kick some ass. 

As the famous Yoda once said "Do or do not, there is no try"